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Resounding Success for Poole BID as Levy Payers Support Second 5-year term, 2021 to 2026

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Resounding Success for Poole BID as Levy Payers Support Second 5-year term, 2021 to 2026

For immediate release

Graham Farrant, Chief Executive of BCP Council today announced that the ballot for Poole BID’s second term has been successful with 73% of levy payers voting yes. This vote allows Poole BID to operate for a second term, which will run from July 1st 2021 through to June 30th 2026.

The BID ballot had to meet two key criteria. A simple majority of over 50% of those voting must vote in favour, and those ‘yes’ votes must represent a majority of the total rateable value of all of the voting businesses.

On hearing the news, Poole BID Chairman James Croker said: ‘I am delighted that the levy payers have voted yes and put their confidence in our organisation for a second term. The current BID team of Jacqui Rock and Christina Pengelly have done a great job engaging with levy payers and this vote is a credit to their hard work on behalf of all Poole businesses.’

James continues, ‘Along with the current BID Board, the aim of Poole BID’s next five-year term is to continue to present Poole at its outstanding best and to attract investment and talent. We will aim to encourage more visitors to experience our town and to persuade residents from across the area to make it their first choice for shopping and leisure. This will support our valued businesses and hopefully contribute to their continued profitability and growth.’

Poole BID’s second term will focus on delivering the commitments made in the 21/26 Business Plan, published in advance of the ballot. Three key elements Enhance, Promote and Support were identified in two independent surveys undertaken for the Poole BID and will form the basis of the next five years’ operations.

Jacqui Rock, Poole BID Lead looks ahead to the coming 5-year term. “We acknowledge that it is hard to satisfy the many diverse requirements of Poole’s wide-ranging businesses and there have been obstacles along the way – not least the ongoing pandemic. Now that we have the clear support of the majority of businesses for a second term, my job will be to deliver the services outlined in the 21/26 Business Plan. Together with my Operations Manager, Christina Pengelly I am looking forward to helping Poole businesses fulfil their potential.’

Councillor Philip Broadhead, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Economy and Strategic Planning and Deputy Leader of the Council said, “We have a clear vision to harness the potential we have locally and to strengthen our economy, as laid out in BCP Council’s Big Plan. Working with the local BID is fundamental to driving this forward, so we are delighted that Poole BID has the support of levy payers and will run for another term.”


Friday 21st May 2021

Further information is available from:

Jacqui Rock, Poole BID Lead

Tel: 01202 308800


To download the 2021-2026 Business Plan visit:

Photo Caption:

From left: Chris Shephard, Economic Development Director, BCP Council; Jacqui Rock, Poole BID Lead; Graham Farrant, Chief Executive of BCP Council; Councillor Philip Broadhead, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Economy and Strategic Planning and Deputy Leader of BCP Council; James Crocker, Poole BID Chairman

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Background Notes For Editors

There are over 300 BIDs across the country. Established in 2016, the Poole Business Improvement District represents almost 500 businesses in the defined BID area that runs from Poole Quay, up the High Street into the Town Centre including the Dolphin Shopping Centre, Bus Station and Lighthouse Arts Centre.

The 1.5% BID levy payable by business with a rateable value of £5,000 or above will generate around £265,000 a year. 

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