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Kongsberg Digital’s new radar application will enable instructors to facilitate online radar training for students, who can practice anywhere and anytime using their own laptop and an internet connection

Kongsberg Digital releases first cloud-based simulation service for maritime radar training

Kongsberg Digital is delighted to announce the launch of a new cloud-based simulation service for maritime radar training. Used as an advanced eLearning tool, it enables instructors to manage and control exercises with realistic radar simulations to students, who now can practice and prepare for their exams anytime, anywhere and at their own pace

KONGSBERG’s Vessel Insight ship-to-cloud data service has received Technical Qualification from DNV GL

KONGSBERG’s Vessel Insight gains DNV GL acceptance

KONGSBERG’s ship-to-cloud data infrastructure service, Vessel Insight, has been qualified by technical advisor to the maritime industry, DNV GL. Safety and cyber security were the critical parameters in the recently completed Technical Qualification

Contributing in enhancing skills, safety and sustainability in the fishing industry, the K-Sim Fishery simulator won the prestigious SAFETY4SEA Training Award 2020

Kongsberg Digital’s K-Sim® Fishery simulator wins the coveted SAFETY4SEA 2020 Training Award

Kongsberg Digital’s acclaimed K-Sim Fishery simulator training solution has secured an important industry accolade by winning the SAFETY4SEA 2020 Training Award. After being shortlisted back in July, K-Sim Fishery was voted into first place by a substantial number of instructors and students who have been impressed by this vessel-specific training resource

Kongsberg Digital develops cloud-based simulators to assist in improving the quality of maritime navigation training

Kongsberg Digital develops cloud-based simulators for maritime industry, with funds from Innovation Norway

Kongsberg Digital develops cloud-based simulation technology to support advanced operational studies, research and education in the maritime industry. The use of increasingly advanced equipment and an elevated focus on safety and sustainability has raised the bar for innovative new solutions to collect, simulate and share data to assist in optimization of vessel operations

Hege Skryseth, Kongsberg Digital and Cristian Corotto, ABB Turbocharging, digitally shake hands

KONGSBERG and ABB announce digitalization collaboration on edge data collection

Oslo/Baden, August 26th, 2020 – Kongsberg Digital and ABB Turbocharging have signed a cooperation agreement on edge data collection and ship engine performance analysis. The companies will work towards a common data infrastructure and accelerate the development of value-added digital applications and services

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